Thick, natural and a bit ragged eyebrows are the top trend of the last season. It is not enough to just brush them with a special brush. Necessary is to use colourful and preserving cosmetics for the eyebrows to look beautiful and trendy. How to harness thick eyebrows and which products to use?
Eyebrows, just like eyelashes fulfil two basic functions. Firstly, they beautify woman’s face (on the other hand they may also disfigure the face), they are creating great eyes’ frame and highlight assets of the face. Secondly, they have protective properties; stops the sweat, water and pollution from getting into the eyes and prevent them from irritations. The thicker and longer the eyebrows the better. Why? Thick and well-taken care of eyebrows means that we know all the newest cosmetic trends, we know how to use the tweezers and other cosmetics and make-up accessories. What about those girls for which Mother Nature wasn’t so generous? There are few very helpful tricks.
Lower and upper edges of the eyebrow outline with the pencil. The shade of the cosmetic should be the same as the hair colour – you don’t want to have a comic book look, do you? Spend more time on lower edge of the eyebrows, because it is what sets the right shape. Eyebrows shadows will help in filling the deficits in eyebrows. New “eyebrows” draw in the direction consistent with hair growth. Use highlighter or bright concealer to accent the inner corner of the eye, brow-ridge and the edges of the eyebrows. This way you will make those eyes truly pop and create the 3D effect around the eyes and eyebrows. For the perfect finish brush the eyebrows with the brush and preserve them with the clear gel.
Other way to thicken the eyebrows is a treatment with the castor oil. The product should be rubbed into the skin to stimulate hair growth. But you need to be careful for the castor oil not to get to the eye – it may lead to irritations. For some people it may cause hair loss, including eyebrows. Immediate effects brings permanent eyebrows make-up. However, it is much more expensive and longer treatment that may lead to skin and eyes irritations. Beautician implements the pigment under the skin – fully safe product in the colour similar to the natural colour of the hair. The result continues to last for six months.
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